The secret of success is to understand the viewpoint of others.
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How is the Swiss IT Leadership Forum organized?
How is the Swiss IT Leadership Forum organized?
The Swiss IT Leadership Forum is organized as an association whose members are also its only participants. The program is created jointly by the association's management and board and is maintained on the principle of a self-supporting convention.

The Swiss IT Leadership Forum does not advertise itself. After carefully selecting, potential members are invited to join by the association board. As a rule, membership selection is based on the following criteria: IT/Digital executive at company or division management level in huge companies and public institutions, and ICT lecturers in higher education institutions. No representatives of either IT suppliers or IT services providers are admitted. A strict "Chatham House Rule" applies to all activities to ensure an exchange that is as open and personal as possible. Participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s) nor that of any other participant may be revealed.